Try This: Choose a Word for 2021

By Peggy Gomula and Sally Kidder Davis

2021 has come in like a lion! There is a lot going on that is vying for our attention and staying focused can be a challenge, especially with ADHD.

We’d like to offer a respite from the chaos around you. This activity may be an opportunity for your family to focus on what's really important - your relationships and your connection to one another.

At the beginning of a new year, many people choose a new year’s resolution. We’ve both done that, but with limited success. As coaches, we often encourage our clients to choose a meaningful word instead of a New Year’s resolution. Interest in a resolution can wane after a month or so. If chosen carefully, a word can motivate, inspire, make you a touch uncomfortable, but ultimately could help you feel more at peace and connected as a family.

Have the whole family participate in choosing a meaningful word. 

What would it look like to have your whole family participate in choosing a meaningful word that could be a guiding compass for this year? 

Here’s a way to get started.

At a Family Meeting ask everyone to brainstorm the following questions: 

  • What could we use more of in our family?

  • What could we use less of in our family?

  • What characteristics would we like our family to have?

  • What do you see as the most important value our family could have?

  • Right now I feel . . .

  • By the end of the year, I want to feel . . . 

Now, based on your answers, have each person in your family contribute one word to a list. Then, choose a word or words to be your guiding light for 2021. 

2020 was a hard year for families, especially families with ADHD. Finding a meaningful word helps your family focus on what’s really important in these turbulent times.

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