Meet Our Team - Brittney Covington

Brittney Covington

Brittney Covington

Position at the Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center:

ADHD Coach


How long have you been working at Hallowell Todaro ADHD?

2 weeks :D


Where did you grow up?

Salem, Oregon


What are your favorite books / TV shows / movies?

  • Books: To Kill a Mockingbird, Trauma Stewardship, Harry Potter

  • TV Shows: The X-files, Community

  • Movies: I love all kinds of horror movies, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

What’s your favorite sport and/or sports team?

I like baseball and only baseball. Go Mariners!

Complete the following sentences:


When I’m not at work, you can find me...

at a concert!


When I want to de-stress, I...

meditate, yoga, breathwork.


My favorite time of year is...



My favorite thing to cook is...

a good breakfast. Waffles, sausage, potatoes, coffee, the works! Or a good soup.

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d go to...

Honestly? Disneyland.

The best gift I ever received was…

one time when I was 13, my dad won $600 in the lottery and surprised me with an electric guitar I had been eyeing for months. Turns out it was some sort of special edition and I got the last one. I still have it today and it’s one of my most prized possessions (:

What led you to pursue a career in helping others?

As a young person, I had a handful of different experiences where I saw people in need of help receive services that did not help them. Seeing this and seeing it multiple times made me want to join the helping professions and provide services that gave people the help they needed.

What education, skills and expertise do you bring to your role?

Well, I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Puget Sound. While in undergrad, I began working with youth at a local children’s mental health center. In this role I supported high-needs youth in school, camp, home, and community settings. I worked with neurodiverse youth, youth with mental health diagnoses, and did a lot of work with de escalation, crisis management, and developing emotional intelligence with clients. After being in this role for two years, I was promoted to be a job coach and supervisor. In this role, I trained staff to work with neurodiverse and high-needs youth, helping create and implement client behavior plans, and ran therapeutic camp programs. I would say emotion regulation skills, creativity, and tailoring solutions to individual needs are some of the key skills I’m bringing into this role.

Who/what inspires you?

I’m inspired by so many things and people. The natural world inspires me, helps me stay grounded, and keep perspective. I’m so inspired by children and young people - their imagination, free spirit, ability to dream big, and whimsy are things I think we can all use a little (or a lot) more of. I’m also inspired by countless musicians and artists who have found ways to communicate or work through their feelings and experiences through creating.

What’s your personal philosophy/approach toward the work you do?

Relationship-centered, being authentic, and having a whole-person approach. I think connection and relationship are essential to being able to work together, and being genuinely interested in the person in front of you is essential for them to receive the type of support they need.

What is one small thing people can do to improve their lives / increase their happiness?

Mindfulness! I know for many people this is not a small thing, but the books Peace in Every Step by Titch Nhat Hanh and Trauma Stewardship by Burk and Lipsky, propose a lot of ways to build this in in small but powerful ways such as taking a breath each time your phone rings, or doing a body check-in each time you hear the bell on your campus ring. Finding how to bring little tiny bits of mindfulness into each day transformed my relationship with mindfulness and has helped me stay afloat even when I haven’t had regular meditation or mindfulness practice!

We provide a range of support for people with ADHD.

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