Meet Our Team - Sarah Fiskness


Sarah Fiskness, LICSW


Position at the Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center:

Therapist (Coachapist)


How long have you been working at Hallowell Todaro ADHD?

Starting August 11th, 2020


Where did you grow up?

Olympia, WA


What are your favorite books / TV shows / movies?

His Dark Materials. Insecure. Everything by Miyazaki.


What’s your favorite sport?

Rock Climbing

Complete the following sentences:


When I’m not at work, you can find me...



When I want to de-stress, I...

hang out with my frenchie.


My favorite time of year is...

summer (especially in Seattle!)


My favorite thing to cook is...

anything on a grill.


The best gift I ever received was…

maybe my first bike or plane ticket?

If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d go to...

I think Cuba might be next on my list. 

What led you to pursue a career helping others?

I think there is a sense of adventure in connecting with a lot of different people. And I think there is a lot to improve in many social service systems.


What education, skills, and expertise do you bring to your role?

I have a pretty behavioral lens to therapy. I spent a lot of time working with diverse populations in schools and crisis settings.

Who/what inspires you?

Artists, musicians, my dog…

What’s your personal philosophy/approach toward the work you do?

I put a lot of weight on client self determination in therapy. I try to acknowledge that people usually already have a whole lot of expertise about their own lives. I also think acknowledging and working against systems of oppression is critical.

What is one small thing people can do to improve their lives and increase their happiness?

If you can, get outside and spend some time in the natural world.

We provide coaching and therapy to help people manage a variety of cognitive and emotional conditions.

Find out more about our services.

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