Homeschooling Resources for Parents

Dear Parents,

We recognize this is an unusually challenging time to be a parent right now. We are in uncharted territory, and like you, we are navigating this for the first time. Our goal is to be a valuable resource as well as a supportive network. 

We are here to help in whatever way we can. We will continue to offer Parent Coaching over Zoom to our established clients. For any parents who are looking for additional tools and strategies, we are offering a One Hour Parent Coaching Session to help you manage your day to day interactions with your children.

We’ve also compiled a list of resources to help you take on the role of homeschool teacher during the school closures:

Homeschooling Resources

Preschool Resources

K-2 Resources

Grades 3-5 Resources

Middle School Resources

We are also offering a FREE online ADHD Parent Support Group every Thursday. The first support group is Thursday, March 26th at 7 pm.

During this stressful time, please be mindful of your own self-care. Practicing daily self-care will give you the extra resilience you will need right now. 

There may be a silver lining here, as this could be an opportunity for all of us to take a deep breath and slow down. When you can, use this time to find creative ways to connect with your family. Try not to be too hard on yourself if there is more screen time than you would like. Screen time can look different - it doesn’t have to be all about video games. 

 Most of all, remember to have fun and laugh with each other! 

Please know we are always here for you,

Peggy and Sally
PCI-Certified Parent Coaches, Hallowell Todaro

Margaret Kay