Meet Our Team - Andrew Roetcisoender


Andrew Roetcisoender


Position at the Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center:

ADHD & Executive Function Coach


How long have you been working at the Hallowell Todaro ADHD Center?

Spring 2020


Where did you grow up?

Bothell, WA


What are your favorite books / TV shows / movies?

One influential read for me was The Listening Life by Adam S. McHugh, and a film that I greatly enjoy is Good Will Hunting. Currently, I’m listening to the Harry Potter series on audiobook... again.


What’s your favorite sport and/or sports team?

My favorite sport is tennis, and I’m an avid fan of Roger Federer.

Complete the following sentences:


When I’m not at work, you can find me...

on the tennis court, chasing after a fuzzy yellow ball.


When I want to de-stress, I...

clear out my email inbox.


My favorite time of year is...

the winter holidays. A joyful season spent with friends and family.


My favorite thing to bake is...

lava cake. A little vanilla ice cream on the side, a fresh strawberry on top, and you have culinary bliss.


The best gift I ever received was...

a Bluetooth speaker, to take music with me wherever I go.


If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d go to...

China. I’d love to experience its food, history, and culture.


What led you to pursue a career helping others?

Growing up, I witnessed many friends and family members struggle with relational, learning, and mental health issues. Consequentially, I developed a passion for walking with others through the challenges they face. The most rewarding, life-giving moments have come when I’ve been listening to the stories of others, including their hardships and triumphs. At university, it became clear that this was what I wanted to spend my life doing.


What education, skills, and expertise do you bring to your role?

My background in psychology and human resources informs my understanding of the individual differences, strengths, and weaknesses that we possess as human beings. This knowledge was essential in my work as a tutor and academic coach, where I refined my skills in helping students find success in school while managing their ADHD. As a provider, I also strive to continually improve my active listening, empathic, and perspective-taking abilities.

Who/what inspires you?

My grandfather. He is an intelligent, well-spoken man who is respected for his wise counsel.

What’s your personal philosophy/approach toward the work you do?

I believe that each client possesses a unique set of wonderful strengths and gifts that, if leveraged effectively, will yield tremendous success. The client also has weaknesses or activities that challenge them, which must be managed well to achieve this success. With some encouragement and guidance, the client is fully capable of devising strategies and habits that best fit them. I strive to use active listening skills, coupled with training and experience, to facilitate the client’s discovery of their own strengths and solutions.


What is one small thing people can do to improve their lives and increase their happiness?

Unplug during conversations and drink more water.

We provide coaching and therapy to help people manage a variety of cognitive and emotional conditions.

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